Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eat This Not That

Here's a great article about snacking:

I don't agree with some things, like eating almonds, because of how high in fat they are, even if they are "healthy" fats. And hummus is best eaten in moderation with carrots or broccoli instead of chips...which would defeat the whole purpose.

The Kashi Go Lean cereal is my secret weapon! It's definitely an unorthodox cereal with a much harsher texture than regular cereal and a taste that takes some getting used to. But, good luck finding any other cereal with 13g of protein and 10g of fiber while being low fat.

The Proof Is In The Pudding...

...or lack thereof. My trainer seems to be right: building more muscle is the absolute best way to lose fat. Consider this, last week I went to the gym once and slipped in my eating habits, yet I still lost 2lbs since my last weigh-in two weeks ago. It probably would have been more if I had actually been working out over that couple weeks, but even still, I'm happy with the progress. My pants are beginning to feel looser!

Had I been continuing just doing cardio, I probably would have gained weight that week, since the effects of cardio only last as long as you do it. Having more muscle means that you're burning more calories on a daily basis allowing you to burn more fat! That's a really big deal for anyone who can't always work out regularly and will be really helpful to me as I will be devoting most of my time to studying for the next two weeks.

Keep at it folks! Remember it takes a village... (meaning, get your friends involved!)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Totally Unrelated...

SF to Paris in Two Minutes from Beep Show on Vimeo.

(But just think of all the skinny French people eating high protein, low fat, low carb meals at romantic sidewalk cafes in Paris)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

High Protein Recipes

I'm posting these recipes as things I've found and want to try...

1) Almond Flax Flapjacks:
2) Energizing Protein Power Salad

3) High Protein & High Fiber Cereal

I will continue searching for more high protein foods.

Not high protein but a delicious sounding side: Curry Roasted Cauliflower

Monday, April 11, 2011

Diet and an Inspirational Story

Perhaps the biggest change in my current weight loss/muscle toning goals from the past is my diet. My trainer imposed a rather strict and difficult to maintain diet, but he promises that if I stick to it, I'll see results. I can definitely see why. The diet is as follows: 200-250g of protein a day, 20-30g of fat, and up to 140g of carbohydrates eaten in multiple small meals. Calorie counting is not involved with this diet, but its roughly 1600-1800 a day. Normally, people not monitoring any of these probably eat 60-100g of protein a day and more than double the fat and carbs recommended. The tricky thing is that fat and carbs hide in everything, and high protein foods are particularly high in fat.

This diet must be combined with a strength training workout to be effective. The idea is that muscle requires a lot of energy, and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn even at rest. So, you may choose to go to the gym and do a whole bunch of cardio, and that'll help burn fat to a point, but only so long as you're on that treadmill. But, if you add more muscle, you'll keep burning more calories throughout the day and end up losing more fat.
(*Note: Fat is like fire: it takes oxygen to burn. By doing cardio at a high heart rate it's not actually helping, since your body is using all the oxygen it's getting to keep your muscles moving and not oxygenating the fat. Instead of something like running, it is better to walk on a treadmill at a steep incline.)

Honestly, I have never been able to meet the requirements of the diet, mainly because I haven't found foods that are high protein and low fat. Basically, it would involve consuming whey protein multiple times a day and my other meals would have to be low...everything. I'm definitely trying, though!

My eating has become very focused on getting the amount of protein I need each day. I've been eating lots of meat, protein powder, protein shakes, and protein bars. Instead of eating a deli sandwich for lunch, I've been eating tuna salad (with low-fat mayo) with lettuce and carrot sticks. Chicken salad is an option I'm trying this week. Both tuna and chicken have a lot of protein and are fairly low fat in the white-meat variety, plus they are filling and tasty. For even more protein, I could add a hard boiled egg-white. (Note that the egg yolk is where all the fat and cholesterol is and adds only a tiny amount of protein.) Greek yogurt is a killer secret weapon, as well. Chobani yogurt has 14-18g of protein and is available in non-fat varieties, but even with fruit in it, it's very tart.

While I'm still working out all the details on how to stick to this diet, it hasn't been too hard to make some meaningful changes and see results. (Lost about 4lbs so far and ) Whenever I think "Gawd this stuff is gross," I remind myself that I'm eating to change my body, not because the food tastes good, I'm bored, or it's comforting. That is very satisfying.

If I haven't bored you enough yet, here's a story about a man who lost a whole person from following a diet similar to my own. Amazing stuff!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A "Fitness Blog" ehhh?

As I mentioned last time, I've started hitting the gym "hard" lately for various reasons. Chief among them is the winter weight I put on, which has left most of my dress clothes whimpering under the strain of excessive tummy. Damn Krispy Kremes with your sweet glaze and delicious smell that wafts through Dupont Circle on my way home from class. Curse all the happy hour specials with deliciously greasy food that Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives makes us crave. I love it all, but I hate what it does...

But then there comes that inevitable reminder of all the things we ate that we shouldn't have: Spring. And with spring comes tee-shirt and shorts season, exposing not only our pasty skin but also our winter-withered muscles. No longer can we hide the slight bulge of our belly under two shirts, a sweater, and a puffy down jacket. Nope, it's all there for everyone to see. It's a perfect storm of self-consciousness for anyone who has even the slightest insecurity about their body.

This all ended up with a desperate plea to my trainer that went like this...
Hey Rob!

I really need your help with my workout again... I need to lose some fat big time, and I know a big problem is my eating, but I also haven't been working out. I tried doing cardio for a bit (until school work took away my free time), but I have a problem with one of my feet where it hurts to walk or run. So, I was wondering if I could do other things that would help me burn fat. I also only have about 45 minutes 4-5 days a week to dedicate to working out. Can we meet next week to figure this out?

And so my journey begins. The goal? Weigh under 150 (starting from 162 in mid-March) by June 11th which is both Capital Pride weekend and the start of a week at a beach condo with the family. Along the way, I'll share my experiences between working out at the gym, motivation, and nutrition. Plus, anything else incidental along the way. Please join with me in this challenge! It's always easier when a community of people can support each other to reach their goals.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hmmm...It's been a while.

Wow, this sure didn't last long. I've been wanting to write a new piece; however, the muse either hasn't struck or there's so much I want to say that I don't even know where to start!

Suffice it to say that I have to run to class. Further quick details are as follows: working 40 hr/week, doing grad school half time, sold the car, bought a bike, single, and working my ass off at the gym.